Frequently Asked

Fuel stops take an average of 30-40 minutes.
There are no minimums, but some aircraft could have minimum flight times. For example, you may be billed for two hours for some aircraft despite only flying for one. Minimums will be disclosed at the time of booking.
There is no maximum, but longer flights could require fuel stops or overnights for crew rest. Crews are limited to a 14-hour crew duty day.
We can accommodate a group of any size. Traditional private jets typically max out at 18 seats. For groups larger than that, we would be able to provide an airliner with either a VVIP, VIP, or First Class seating configuration throughout.
The operator employs the crew.
You can fly anywhere with Airshare.
Flight amenities include Wi-Fi, complimentary snack & beverages, an enclosed lavatory, along with other features.
It depends on the aircraft, but most are pet-friendly. A pet cleaning fee may be required and would be disclosed at the time of booking.
When you fly with Airshare, it’s entirely confidential. We do not share your contact information with third parties, and Airshare’s internal accounting department processes payments.

Fuel stops take an average of 30-40 minutes.

There are no minimums, but some aircraft could have minimum flight times. For example, you may be billed for two hours for some aircraft despite only flying for one. Minimums will be disclosed at the time of booking.

There is no maximum, but longer flights could require fuel stops or overnights for crew rest. Crews are limited to a 14-hour crew duty day.

We can accommodate a group of any size. Traditional private jets typically max out at 18 seats. For groups larger than that, we would be able to provide an airliner with either a VVIP, VIP, or First Class seating configuration throughout.

The operator employs the crew.

You can fly anywhere with Airshare.


Flight amenities include Wi-Fi, complimentary snack & beverages, an enclosed lavatory, along with other features.


It depends on the aircraft, but most are pet-friendly. A pet cleaning fee may be required and would be disclosed at the time of booking.


When you fly with Airshare, it’s entirely confidential. We do not share your contact information with third parties, and Airshare’s internal accounting department processes payments.


Book Your Charter Here  Charter Here  Charter Here 

Who benefits from charter flights?

The Business Traveler

Arrive exactly when you want, depart exactly when you want, and with access to hundreds of additional airports you’ll get exactly where you want to go. No lines, no layovers, and no waiting of any kind. Just a day designed around getting business done.

The Leisure Traveler

A one-of-a-kind trip calls for a one-of-a-kind experience. Leave the stress, waiting, and crowds of the commercial airport behind and begin your adventure more comfortably. With Airshare Charter Services, you’ll fly in exclusivity and complete control.


When you or someone you are traveling with has a medical condition, it’s often more comfortable and even medically necessary to travel by charter. Whether you or your loved one require a more private cabin, a little extra assistance, or medical care while in the air, Airshare Charter Services will ensure you have the help and space you need.

Corporate Shuttles
(Regularly scheduled flights for large employee groups)

When you or someone you are traveling with has a medical condition, it’s often more comfortable and even medically necessary to travel by charter. Whether you or your loved one require a more private cabin, a little extra assistance, or medical care while in the air, Airshare Charter Services will ensure you have the help and space you need.